Mark Turner spent over 30 years in the Army serving around the world. He is now retired but has recently served as both a Trustee of a Care Home Charity for disabled ex-service personnel as well as more locally of Ferring Village Hall. On leaving the Army, he has been an active Conservative in London and is the local Chairman in Ferring Ward. His roots are in Ferring. A devoted family man with a passion for cricket and dog walking. He has had a family home here since 1961, and his father was the local GP here in the 1970s and early1980s. He has become involved with the local community in ways that were not possible as a serving officer. He expects to use his skills and experience to represent you all and ensure that Arun District Council delivers efficient and effective services.
- Fighting to defend our area against unsuitable developments, retaining our unique village community.
- Keeping council tax low
- Delivering new play equipment in the village centre
- Retaining weekly bin collections
- Challenging Southern Water on sewage