Goring County Division West Sussex County Councillor
A bit about Steve
During my time as one of your Councillors, I have worked hard to protect and improve our environment. I will continue to work tirelessly to protect the Goring Gap and Greensward from any form of undesirable development. When development in the Town is proposed, I will work to ensure that it is of high quality and comes with the necessary infrastructure and support for our community. I will work with partners to make Goring and Worthing a safe place to live, work and relax.
Steve's priorities for Goring Ward:
- Protect the Goring Gap and Greensward from development.
- Deliver efficiencies and savings in order to keep the Council Tax low.
- Work with partners to keep Goring a safe place for residents and visitors.
- Help to attract investment into the Town to improve our shops and seafront.