Labour Council's budget black-hole threatens night-time security 14th December 2023 At a recent meeting, Worthing Borough Council’s Labour administration were unable to give reassurance that night-time security services in our car parks would... Local News
Faster Ambulances 12th September 2023 ⏱ Faster ambulance responses 🚑 800 new ambulances Part of our plan to help you get the care you need, when you need it. Local News
Worthing’s Community Heroes get STUFFED! 12th September 2023 A ‘total mess, ridiculous and fobbed-off’ are many of the phrases being expressed by residents about the Labour Council’s attempt to close out the aims and... Local News
Windsor House Hotel - public consultation 15th June 2023 Today's consultation at the East Worthing community centre held collaboratively between SDR Living and Worthing Council came to an abrupt end. It had been... Local News
Residents Voices Heard 27th January 2023 On Wednesday, the 25th of February 2023, Worthing Borough Council Planning Committee considered an application to turn the Windsor House Hotel, Windsor Road... Local News
Hands off our car parks 24th January 2023 ‘Hands off our car parks’, that’s the clear message from hundreds of residents and visitors to our town who are alarmed at the Labour Councillors, who now run... Local News
We need your help to stop Parking Chargers in Goring can you help? 4th January 2023 The Labour councillors who now run Worthing Borough Council are planning to introduce new car parking charges at Sea Lane Cafe, the Goring Road shops and Marine... Local News
R.I.P Queen Elizabeth the Second 8th September 2022 We are all deeply saddened to hear of the passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for your service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth for... Local News
R.I.P Queen Elizabeth the Second 8th September 2022 Thursday 8th September: Today the world pauses. Our nation and our Commonwealth of Nations grieves. A family shares in mourning. We will all remember with deep... Local News